Monday, October 21 2024

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It's time for bloofoxCMS 0.4.0

bloofoxCMS 0.4.0 released!

After a while we didnt provide a new release today we have released our new version of bloofoxCMS, version 0.4.0.
From now on there will be more updates of bloofoxCMS frequently.

Just try it :)
your bloofox team

bloofoxCMS is still alive

Hi everybody,

i would like to say sorry to all of the poeple who are waiting for a new release. bloofoxCMS ist still alive but currently there is a release break. This is caused by personal reasons. Don't worry - there are plans for a next release! But it takes more time...

Kind regards

Alexander Lang

Announcement: next release bloofoxCMS 0.4 is pleased to announce the release of bloofoxCMS 0.4 in autumn 2010. Stay tuned.

Support Forums closed/removed

Hello all,

we are sorry to tell you that our support forums are closed and removed from our website. If you have any question please don't hesitate to contact us. We will reply as soon as possible but don't worry if it takes up to 2 weeks.

Anyways we hope you enjoy bloofoxCMS.

Announcement: we will work on a better documentation that you don't need to ask that many questions. Hold on!

Thanks for your appreciation,

bloofoxCMS 0.3.5 released

Today we released the new version bloofoxCMS 0.3.5. Please read the change log for further information of made changes. To update from older versions to the latest version please read the update information. You need to run once after you uploaded bloofoxCMS. If you have any questions or problems please don't hesitate to contact us.
Enjoy the new version!

Announcement: next release will come soon is still working on the next version of bloofoxCMS. But finally we will release it as soon as possible. Latest release date could be end of july but this is definitely the latest date for bloofoxCMS 0.3.5. Please stay tuned and visit our website intermittently. Thanks for your patience!

During the days we updated the forum software for our support forums to the latest version. We still have problems with spam and all that shit. So if you register to the forum please email us that we can enable your account. Sorry for circumstances but better that way than a forum full of trash ;)

bloofoxCMS 0.3.4 released

We proudly present our next release bloofoxCMS 0.3.4. This will be the last release in year 2008, the next release will then come in Q1/Q2 in 2009. Please read the change log for changes in this release. The update help will be refreshed soon.

We wish all bloofoxCMS friends, users and visitors a merry christmas, thanks for your interest in bloofox.

Change Log is updated

The change log is now updated. Here you can find the change log.

Support forums are open

Since today you can use our support forums as well for technical questions, problems, feature requests and bugs. Please notify that you must be registered to post any posts, all registered users from have been assumed to the forums. They don't need to register again.

We hope the support forums will help you with your reuests and also it should help to build a community about bloofoxCMS. So long, post your issues...

bloofoxCMS 0.3.3 released is pleased to release our newest version 0.3.3 of bloofoxCMS. It has taken longer than expected but the result satisfies for the longer time you had to wait. This release also requires an update of the documentation because of a lot of changes in the backend Admincenter and new features. Currently the documentation update is in process and will be available soon. We hope you will enjoy the latest version even without a documentation which is up to date.

some highlights of this release:

- redesigned Admincenter
- new settings can be set in Admincenter, e.g. for email notfications, password rules and width of wysiwyg editor
- revised structure to edit articles in pages
- change password application for frontend (plugin) and backend (inbuild)
- many optimizations

The complete list of all changes will be available shortly.

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